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22 June 2011

Luvs Premium Stretch Diapers with Ultra Leakguards with Ultra Leakguards, Size 3 (16-28 Lbs), 204 Diapers

Luvs Premium Stretch Diapers with Ultra Leakguards with Ultra Leakguards, Size 3 (16-28 Lbs), 204 Diapers

pampers baby Ultra tight or affordable price? Select luvs and get both! Luvs diapers with Bear Hug Stretch sides to help the Commission to terminate flexible and elastic leg cuffs stretch loss. Blue guard loses moisture-absorbent core locks and helps the baby dry and comfortable. Select luvs and say "Yes" ultra-tight, "NO" to pricey diapers! Luvs Diapers is a money back guarantee., Make LuvsSize 3 (16-28 kg), and fresh soft cotton basic package can smellingLeakguard varyStretch SidesLeak Barrier leg cuffs
I thought I would share just luvs y'all peeps of the same, makes Pampers diapers. They keep their brand name "off", many big brands that do to the number of customers (in this case, the upper and middle class families) to keep their corner.
About luvs diapers I can not say anything too bad - my daughter is 2 years old and very active ..
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